Sunday, 1 December 2019


Through our Safety Services line of business, we connect people to sources of protection and security by enabling organizations to locate, route, transport and deliver emergency communications. West Resources All Resources. Moderators can download Unified Meeting 5 by visiting www. Unified Meeting 5 stores detailed reports from your meetings, with information on the duration of the meeting, number of participants, participant names and polling information. How do I invite people to an instant meeting? intercall unified meeting application

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Is international service intecrall No matter what your communication needs are - instant or collaborative meetings - this proprietary web conferencing system lets you have remote meetings that are as engaging as a mewting one.

At the time of your meeting, just click the JOIN link in your Outlook appointment and choose to have Unified Meeting 5 dial your phone automatically at a number you designate. All of this comes as a service that InterCall manages for you and it's integrated with the business tools that you use every day.

Additional charges apply after 3 months of hosting. Upon joining the web portion of the meeting, participants are prompted to select or enter a phone number where they will be called to join the meeting. Our team members are responsible for supporting our clients, building our business, seeking out new technology and powering the more than 7 million connections our company makes each day.

You can capture a synchronized audio and web playback of your meeting. Unified Meeting will host your archive for 90 days. Live Chat Chat with a support representative now.

InterCall Unified Meeting 5

You can also promote a participant to presenter to do the same. West Telecom Services connects people and unites networks by delivering interconnection services for all types of providers, including wireless, wireline, cable and voice over Internet protocol VoIP.

Simply sselect "Computer Audio" when joining the meeting. What recording capabilities does Unified Meeting have? Download as Zip File: West Resources All Resources InterCall Unified Meeting 5, our meeting and collaboration application, puts you intercalll control of all aspects of your meeting including scheduling, participant management and security. There's no need to remember your dial-in number, user login or password.

Moderators apppication send a Quick Invite through instant messenger or email using the Quick Invite in-meeting shortcut toolbar.

Unified Meeting 5 Web Conferencing FAQs | InterCall

You will be called at your listed phone number to start the aoplication portion of the meeting. How many people can join an online meeting?

intercall unified meeting application

There are two ways to make your recorded meeting available to others: Can I encrypt my online meeting for additional security? Meetiing do participants connect to the phone portion of a web meeting after they have joined online? You are prompted to select or enter a phone number.

We really want to help

We really want to help. See available countries For more information and rates, contact smallbusiness west. International toll-free, dial-out and local toll services are available on a per minute rate for several countries. To utilize the built-in recording feature, you must use Reservationless-Plus conferencing integrated with Unified Meeting 5.

intercall unified meeting application

You can also enter Conference Manager and send Quick Invites directly from the desktop icon. The desktop icon provides you one-click access to ad hoc and scheduled meetings.

intercall unified meeting application

InterCall provides the global infrastructure and sells access to this infrastructure via the Unified Meeting service. Unified Meeting 5 uses the Software as a Service model. How do I start an instant meeting?

InterCall Unified Meeting 5 | West Corporation

Try it once and you'll be hooked! Can I annotate a presentation or shared application? Our Specialized Agent Services line of business combines highly skilled subject matter experts with proven analytics and technology to provide solutions for the fast-growing healthcare market.

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